Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Parking Information for the Protest

For all my brothers of Bravo and Charlie Company I thought I would post some info on where to park our wheel-chair accessible vans so we can wheel over to the beginning of the ride and remind these young hooligans that freedom isn't free.

So the ride is starting under a freeway in a field next to Pigstand. Huh?

Anyway, south on Alamo street a few blocks is Maverick Park. There seem to be some parking spaces around there south of Jones street. Look for my custom van with the mural of the bald eagle on the side. And if there are more than one vans with that same mural, then look for the WHITE van. That will be mine.

Here's some sort of map info:,-98.481939&sspn=0.011886,0.014055&ie=UTF8&ll=29.432608,-98.481553&spn=0.011886,0.014055&z=16&iwloc=addr&om=1

If my nurse Hector was around I'd get him to pretty that up a bit.

People could also park in the Government Hill area but I can't verify its safety.

Anyway, I hope that helps.

Oh yeah - for any bike gangsters reading this (assuming they can read), go eat some raw eggs you losers.

as always,

the Colonel of Truth (Colonel D. Williams (Ret.))

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