Saturday, March 31, 2007

D-Day Is Here

It's gutcheck time. Have you done everything you can do to ensure that the Bike Gang Summit will be a total failure? And I don't mean sitting around all palsy-walsy with your friends with your thumb in the mouth hoping its going to keep raining. The battle goes on. The weather wasn't ideal when we stormed the beaches of Normandy. Sheesh, 'ol Ike almost had to cancel the operation. And so what if the weather isn't ideal today? The bike thugs will be out there. COUNT ON IT. They're like roaches on a hot summer night.

So, have you done everything you can do?

UPDATE: So it looks like its going to full of sunshine and rainbows and crap for the summit tonight. Yawn. It'll just make it easier for me to spot the enemy. Good luck tonight bike gangsters. And by good luck, I mean go to hell you lazy SOBs.

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