Monday, February 26, 2007

A Letter from a Reader

I just received this letter from a reader. If Hitler didn't intimidate me, then I don't see how this pip-squeak geek is going to do it. Hear it is. What a gas.

"Dear Colonel Dickweed (Ret.),

I'm sorry if you have no friends. Why not get a poodle? Or better yet, make better friends with Pat Sajack and Vanna White. Your ranting and raving isn't going to stop hundreds of people from coming into town for the summit and getting buckwild crazy. If anything its doing just the opposite. So keep up the retarded blogging. I think its going to be a great ride. If anything you should get the bike out of the garage and come down to join us. You might even have fun."

What a dumb jerk. He thinks he can stop me from writing. Nice try! But not good enough.

Keep fighting the good fight!


Anonymous said...

Keep fighting a losing battle Colonel Dickweed! Lol!

Colonel D. Williams (Ret.) said...

What is this "lol" I keep seeing? It's probably short for lollygagging or something. Keep throwing stones, it's not bothering me one bit you little pip-squeek.

Anonymous said...

Wake up god is dead, the sabbath means nothing. There are worse things going on in the world than some people riding bikes and having some fun. So why don't you just ease off it and have some fun yourself.